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Minnesota Public Library hires adult entertainer Drag Queens to perform for toddlers with taxpayer $

Writer's picture: TierneyTierney

"Miss Richfield" is the man that the Minnesota Hennepin County Public Library thought would be a good choice to perform for toddlers in the city of Richfield, in Ilhan Omar's district, for Drag Queen Story Hour.

His name is Russ King, who calls himself Miss Richfield 1981, and he tours the nation doing an "adult entertainment" show called "Gender Fluids." Yep, "fluids" with an S. He has his own website featuring hundreds of photos, where he is performing a variety of "acts" on men in various stages of dress, which most would call "soft porn." Miss Richfield calls Obama his "political adviser" and his goal is, in his words, to "recruit homos" and like-minded people.

Miss Richfield loves to mock Christians on his website. He even has photos of himself, legs spread, in front of a cross and "eating" Baby Jesus cookies. I've included several pictures from Russ King's OWN website at the end of this post.

The first book Russ read to the tots was called "Neither" - which explained how some people are neither a boy or a girl and are called "this or that or they." The second book he read was called "Rainbow" - where he taught the kids the meaning behind every stripe in the LGB flag, likely so they could pledge allegiance to the Rainbow Flag - not the American flag. Pure indoctrination.

Russ was wearing a very short skirt and very high heels, and when he bent over, or his legs spread apart, he revealed his underwear to a dozen toddlers who sat before him. Children between 8 months and 13 years were there. Later, I learned that most of the parents who brought their children to Drag Queen Story Hour were Communist activists there to convince America it's popular.

Russ ended Story Hour with a vocal rendition of "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" which he belted out in his deep baritone voice, while playing a large saw he held projected out from between his legs & reminding the kids that when they see the movie The Wizard of Oz to think of Miss Richfield.

Minnesota Democrats appropriate thousands of taxpayer dollars to fund Drag Queen performances to toddlers at public libraries! They call it ARTISTIC EXPRESSION! Taxpayers are funding Drag Queen Story Hour. Communists bring their own kids to make it look like it's popular. How stupid are we?

The Metro Regional Arts Council (MRAC) board awarded $806,429 in taxpayer dollars for 2020 ARTS PROJECTS grants which included $6,950 to Viva La Pepa for their next season of Drag Queen performances in Minneapolis and St. Paul libraries! So men dressed up as women performing half-naked to toddlers at the library is considered ART? They also awarded ARTS FUNDING to promote felony voting & climate change!

I went to the Drag Queen Story Hour event, by myself, to observe. I live a mile from the library. This is my neighborhood. I grew up here and still live here. Drag Queen Story Hour was organized by the Richfield Library (Augsburg Park location) Youth Services Librarian named Alison Reiter, who approached me upon arrival, after I identified myself through my library card, and told me "everybody knows who you are" and they were watching me.

I was quickly surrounded, and monitored, I learned later, by several members of the "Richfield Social Justice Community" (RSJC) - three large women who served as bouncers for the event. In other words, the library must have used my private information to "dox" me to the activists.

I was told by another library staffer that only people with "children" were allowed to take pictures or video of the event and I was physically prevented from doing so (three large women stood in front of me and blocked my ability to take pictures - then a library worker came over and told me no photos were allowed unless I had children up front.) Yet, a reporter from the Minneapolis Star Tribune, and others, were allowed to photograph at will.

After the event was over, I asked Candace Johnson of the RSJC why Miss Richfield only read books promoting transgenderism & the LGB flag, and why there was no American flag in sight. I asked Candace why Miss Richfield didn't read well-known children's books instead of books focusing on sexuality. Candace angrily responded that I must be "quiet" and pulled me over in the corner, surrounded me along with three other activists, and told me if I was anti-LGB or anti-Drag Queen, I should leave the Public library immediately. I told Candace I was not anti-LGB, I have family & friends who are gay. I was there to quietly observe, which I did, and I had every right to be at the Public Library in MY community, just like she did.

As I left, I walked up to Alison, the library worker, and asked her why she attempted to intimidate me when I arrived and used my private library card information to dox me. She said "everybody knows who you are" and we are glad you were able to see nothing "perverted" went on here. I was wearing glasses & a hat and my hair was in a ponytail. Trust me, my own sister didn't recognize me that day. IMHO, Alison didn't recognize me until she saw my name during check in at the library. I was likely on a list. How do I know that?

I was told last year, by an elected school board official and Democrat operative in the Prior Lake/Savage School District, Mary Frantz, who is a network IT administrator, specializes in hacking and has contracts with the State of Minnesota, that, due to my "false" reporting on Ilhan Omar & the Somali gangs that terrorized Valleyfair in September of 2018, the Democrat activists in Minnesota "had access to my complaint files on social media and were going to get me banned on social media and even have my IP address BLOCKED if I didn't shut up."

Frantz called me a racist and a bigot and smeared my name on Facebook - while everything I reported about Ilhan Omar & the "wilding incidents" at Valleyfair, St Paul, Lake Calhoun & Screamtown have since been proven to be true! I have her threats in writing and have attached a few screenshots of "elected official" Mary Frantz's lies.

This isn't the first time Mary Frantz has spread lies about her constituents. Frantz been censured by the School Board for doing the same! Democrat activists were successful in removing me, and my 35,000 followers, from Facebook and forcing me to take my Twitter account private -- after I received death threats. Mary Frantz is even a member of the Minnesota Cyber Security Summit - does she have access to all our social media accounts?

Before I left the library, I politely asked Alison if she was a Public Library employee OR an activist. At first she refused to answer. Finally, she said she was both. Later, I found that the head of the RSJC is an anti-police activist named Allysen Hoberg who organizes protests against President Trump including the protest called "Dump Trump. Trump Not Welcome in Minneapolis" -- the violent protest which happened on October 10, in downtown Minneapolis, during our President's visit.

Allysen Hoberg and Candace Johnson, of the RSJC group, also appear to be organizing hundreds of trolls to target our accounts and report conservative posts so that we are banned on social media. I found 85 of their "friends" had infiltrated a friend's Facebook account. I suggest that all Minnesota conservatives block these trolls and all their friends. They are nothing more than a resistance take down operation sanctioned by the DNC in Minnesota.

Hennepin County, Minnesota planned 15 Drag Queen Story Hour events at Public Libraries during the month of October 2019. This is happening all over the country. IMHO, the ONLY purpose of Drag Queen Story Hour is to sexualize toddlers to provide Planned Parenthood & Big Pharma with an entire generation of teenagers in need of abortions, hormones, psych meds, therapy and sex change surgeries. It's all about the money.

Here's some video of a Drag Queen performance at King County Library during "Story Hour" for toddlers. Is this going on at your local library? Find out, please. The future of our children depends on it.

UPDATE 11/1/2019: The Hennepin County Library has become embroiled in another scandal as a photo from one of their Drag Queen Story Hour events went viral.

On October 17, non-binary drag queen Sasha Sota performed at a Library in front of a group of children. In one of the photos from the event, Sota’s spread legs can be seen briefly flashing the group of toddlers. The unedited photo shows a clear c****h shot, with Sota wearing some type of pantyhose or leggings to cover his genitals.

Principal communications specialist for Hennepin County Maria Baca said the Drag Queen Story Hours are a new presence in their library, and that they are “unfortunately making mistakes.”

“Every performance is different. That allows for a new show every day, but also introduces the possibility of new mistakes,” said Baca of the 15 scheduled Story Hours throughout Hennepin County.

“Partway through this year’s schedule, we realized the need for a performer dress code. We followed up right away with each of the performers to ensure that their costumes are appropriate for the audience and activity.”

UPDATE 1/14/2020: Wilson Gavin, a gay conservative student, was found dead in a "suspected" suicide after he led a protest at an Australian library against Drag Queen Story Hour where he and others chanted "DRAG QUEENS ARE NOT FOR KIDS."

When did he allegedly kill himself? 12 hours after video of his peaceful protest went viral. He was LITERALLY BULLIED TO DEATH by demons on social media.

He was relentlessly trolled with vile insults, death threats and taunts and told to kill himself. His family, classmates and friends were tracked down and harassed, while his school, The University of Queensland, was publicly encouraged to kick him out.

His friends think he was murdered by the Rainbow mafia. His mangled body was found dead at a train station. One of the two Drag Queens at the performance said 'my heart goes out to his family' while others said he got what 'he deserved' for 'interrupting' the Drag Queen performance!

May God bless and keep him. What a courageous young man.

Is this what we've become? Young people are literally dying because they don't want half-naked Communist Drag Queens performing for toddlers in their schools and libraries?

What is allowed is what will continue. Please join me in spreading Wilson's rallying cry: "Drag Queens are NOT for Kids!" so his death will not be in vain.

Check out Miss Richfield's website yourself.

Check out Miss Richfield's Facebook page yourself:

Here's an interview with Russ:

Another interview with Russ:

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