I think every person on earth should be able to determine which vaccines to inject into his or her body. If you want to be vaccinated for Covid - go ahead. I applaud your choice. Why? Because it's YOUR choice.
That said, fear and brainwashing is driving many people to tell OTHERS what to do - and even worse - saying that it's perfectly fine to mandate the Covid vaccine and vaccine passports for everyone on earth - from cradle to grave.
Even some good conservatives are suddenly fine with people losing their jobs, being sent to camps, being denied school & access to healthcare because they don't want to take the Covid vaccine and be forced to take booster shots every few months for the rest of their lives.
Even though vaccinated people STILL SPREAD Covid and can be INFECTED with Covid - and natural immunity is 27 times better & longer than vaccine immunity. Yet, people are ignoring the science, out of panic and fear, and have been brainwashed into believing that Covid vaccine boosters for the rest of our lives is the only option to save the world.
Where does a global "vaccine passport" end? First of all, let's review who actually RUNS the world and who actually benefits from controlling us all with a Covid "vaccine passport."
This video is long but one of the best explanations I've heard on how a small group of the most wealthy people in the world work together to control hedge funds & non-profits & every corporation & every aspect of our lives. If you listen to nothing else this week - please listen to this. It's presented in a way that EVERY BODY can understand. It comes highly recommended from a Trump advocate - someone I trust.

Second, I found this long thread from a family in Lithuania about what's really going on there. You may not know, but Lithuania is a small country in Europe - near Russia - which instituted Covid passports and is now shunning the unvaccinated as "second class" citizens. Lithuania is denying essential services to the unvaccinated and the media is REMOVING comments from people so the world will not know the truth.

This is similar to NAZI Germany's approach to the Jewish people & the Roma gypsies during WW2 - before they sent them off to the camps & the gas chambers. Don't listen to me. Listen to them. This is OUR future unless we wake up and stop it. Lithuania is already planning their 4th & 5th booster shots - and vaccine passports must be "updated" every 60 days, after EVERY booster, or they are INVALID!
Here is the thread. I took screen shots of every post in case they removed it. Please read every word. Is this the world you want to live in? Is this the world you want to leave your children & grandchildren?

Entire threads on Twitter: https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1440910274962333696.html

President Trump said that children should NOT be vaccinated. He also said that the Covid vaccine should NOT be mandated. PERIOD.

PS: I am NOT an anti-vaxxer. I am, however, pro-freedom and common sense. We should be able to CHOOSE whether we want to be vaccinated or not - after we weigh the pros and cons. Particularly for a vaccine that does NOT stop the infection or spread of a respiratory cold virus with a 99.99% survival rate! And requires continuous boosters to remain effective!
GENERAL FLYNN: "I believe God gave us an immune system that works. I am NOT anti-vaccine in all cases. I am anti-mandate! Too many jabs. Take a step back. Rethink your approach to vaccines."

On October 12th, I celebrated 27 years of sobriety. I was fortunate enough to tell my story before a group of friends & family at a speaker meeting. Here's a video of my testimony if you'd like to listen - or share my story with anyone still suffering from addiction. Thank you all for being here! God is Good! Peg

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Please read the in-depth reports I've written on many subjects.
For my in-depth report on George Floyd, click here.
For my in-depth report on the truth about the Wuhan virus, click here.
On Castro, Guevara & Communist Cuba, click here.
On Biden, Romney, Kerry & Ukraine/China collusion, click here.
On Hyperinflation, click here.
On the Koch Brothers Libertarians, click here.
On Drag Queen Story Hour, click here.
On the fall of Fox News, click here.
On Communism in America, click here.
On birthright citizenship & anchor babies, click here.
On the Parkland Massacre, click here.
On the Vegas Massacre, click here.
On Marijuana Legalization, click here.
On the Coup against Nixon, click here.
On evidence of Election Fraud, click here.
On Avenatti, bin Talal & Trump, click here.